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Zelkova String Quartet       7th Nov 2016 at the Library Theatre Map

After their triumphant debut for us last season we are delighted to welcome members of the Zelkova Quartet back to Luton Music.  Embracing our Half the World initiative they open their programme with quartets by Fanny Mendelssohn (sister to Felix) and Master of the Queen’s Music Judith Weir. The second half is devoted to two 20th Century masters, colleagues and great friends. The Shostakovich quartet was written at the end of the war in 1944 in just 19 inspired days. Perhaps in anticipation of the return of some sort of order to Europe it references a Russian folk idiom, although the ghostly and somewhat frenzied waltz of the 3rd movement suggests a degree of continuing unrest. From 1933 the three short divertimenti represent the young Britten at his most playful, originally conceived as portraits of school friends. A fascinating programme performed by exceptional artists.

Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel – String Quartet in E-flat (20')

Judith Weir – String Quartet (13')

Benjamin Britten – Three Divertimenti (10')

Dmitri Shostakovich – String Quartet No. 2 in A, Op.68 (37')



Jonathan Pether - cello

Caroline Pether - violin

Alex Mitchell - viola

Ed Pether - violin