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Ashley Wass                             14th Nov 2016 at the Library Theatre Map

As part of the 2016 Shakespeare celebrations this award winning pianist offers music inspired by The Bard of Avon. It includes Beethoven’s dramatic Tempest sonata with its hypnotic final movement, Liszt’s variations on Mendelssohn’s famous wedding march and a suite from Prokofiev’s music for the ballet of Romeo and Juliet. The Smetana is an exotic rarity, completing a timely and stunningly virtuosic programme. Ashley successfully broadcast a similar recital live from Stratford on BBC Radio 3 earlier this year to mark Shakespeare’s 400th birthday.

Beethoven – Sonata in D minor Op.31 no 2 Tempest
Smetana – Macbeth and the Witches
Liszt – Concert Paraphrase on Mendelssohn's A Midsummer Night's Dream

Prokofiev – 10 Pieces from Romeo and Juliet Op.75

