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Goldfield Ensemble with Rachel Ridout  21st Nov 2016 at the Library Theatre Map

A programme of music for clarinet and strings by Schubert and Weber alongside Rebecca Clarke, Arlene Sierra and Elizabeth Maconchy. The concert will open with a performance of Schubert’s Shepherd on the Rock by young local soprano Rachel Ridout. Rachel is a member of an emerging British musical dynasty that includes her brother Timothy Ridout, now established as the viola player of his generation, and her cousin, trumpeter Alexandra Ridout, who recently won the Young Jazz Musician of the Year.

Franz Schubert – Shepherd on the Rock D. 965 (12’)

Rebecca Clarke – Prelude, Allegro, and Pastorale (13’)

Arlene Sierra – Ritual In Transfigured Time (15’)  

Franz Schubert – String Trio B flat D. 471 (8’)

Elizabeth Maconchy – Clarinet Quintet  (15’)

Carl Maria von Weber – Clarinet Quintet in B flat Op.34 (30’)

