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A Tale of Two Violas              13th June 2022        St. Mary’s Church Map

This concert marks a welcome return to Luton for these three exceptional musicians. Exploring repertoire for the unusual combination of two violas and piano they are once again offering a fascinating programme, including a work specially written for them by the Hong-Kong born composer Raymond Yiu. Peter and Matthias are colleagues in the viola section of the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

If we were to search for a resonance with our theme of Family Relationships we might cite the contrasting paternal positions of the two legendary composers, Bach and Elgar, who frame the recital.  The former a father to 20 children, the latter a devoted father to just one daughter, Carice, who would surely have enjoyed Wild Bears, taken from the composer’s Wand of Youth Suite No.2.

Richard Sisson

Johann Sebastian Bach – Sonata in G minor

John Alexander – a pale blue dot

Raymond Yiu – 3 Shidaiku Transcriptions 

Edwin Roxburgh – Sonata for Three 

Frank Bridge – Lament & Caprice

Edward Elgar – Wild Bears 



Peter Mallinson & Matthias Wiesner

Evgenia Startseva

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